Monday, November 06, 2006

Ask a Librarian

One of the roles of the Frank Lowy Library is to help AGSM students, faculty and staff with research assistance.

We are here to answer your questions. No question is too easy or too difficult. If you're unsure of a research topic, why not talk to the library before sinking an hour into researching on Google. If you suspect you may need to use one of the library's research databases, take a moment to contact the library and we can give you some pointers for using the database effectively and fine-tuning your research strategy.

Here are the different ways in which you can use the Ask a Librarian research assistance service.

1. By email. Just email or complete the Ask a Librarian form which is available on the What's New page.

2. By phone. Call the library on +61 2 9931 9390. After verifying your identity as a member of the AGSM community, we'll get right onto your question. Some questions can be answered immediately while you're on the phone. Others may require more work and will require a follow-up call or email.

3. In person. Feel free to stop in at the Frank Lowy Library and make use of its printing and photocopying and computing facilities, as well as the Information Commons.
The library is also a nice and quiet place to study and catch up on the newspapers. Executive MBA students: to use the computers, just ask a library staff member to log you in, and to use the Information Commons, contact AGSM Academic Affairs to give you access.

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